Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Family Update

Four grandkids now.  Two boys and 2 girls.  Five, 2, 2, and 1 year old.  Talia, Micah, Kayla, and Jesse.
They're 13, 10, 10 and 9...9/5/22

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Good intentions

I have less time than ever to post here, but still hope to put my ideas on the so called African Flower crochet block down, as I believe the designer of this block has been forgotten and the block renamed and taken over by someone who knows the original name of the block and the designer, but refused to give any credit to this designer until I and another woman pushed her to do so, and then she has not given proper credit. Why someone would continue to act in this manner is beyond me.

I still do not totally understand blogging, I'm just muddling through as best I can, so forgive me anyone who might read this if things aren't properly done.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

African Flower, it's really the Paperweight pattern.

This is on it's way to being a purse.  Wish I'd turned it right side
up because I don't know how to do it here, but I'll learn.  It doesn't
have it's handles yet because I'm not sure what I want yet.  I just
wanted to try and show people that this is the original.  This is
the pattern E "borrowed".  I hope to get a photo of the magazine
posted, it has the afghan made with this pattern right on the

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Paperweight crochet pattern

Isn't this a beautiful pattern? It's from a 1986 copy of Woman's Day magazine. The designer is Dorothy Neldhart. She must have worked hard to make such a beautiful pattern. It must have been wonderful to create a pattern and have it featured on the cover of a major magazine. To have so many people have access to something she made.

Of course now we have the Internet. A pattern featured on someones site can get thousands of views.

There is one person on the Internet that went so far as to rename this pattern.  As far as I can tell she saw the pattern in a magazine from Africa and didn't realize it was an old pattern from Woman's Day magazine.  So she figure out the pattern and posted it with another name.  Now if this is true and she didn't have a written pattern to go by and cracked the code as I think I remember her saying, then that shows she is a good crocheter, but I really think it is infinitely easier to see a finished piece and figure out the stitches than to take something completely from your imagination as the real designer did.  The original designer did not have a picture or block to go by, all she had was an idea she came up with herself.  I can imagine it took her many tries to finally have her finished piece come out the way she imagined it.  I would think the woman who has borrowed this design should make it more prominant on her site that it is a Woman's Day pattern and name it correctly.  These are just all my opinions.  Give the original designer her due, even if she is no longer with us she still designed one of the most popular patterns in crochet.     
I'm going to try to start posting more often, even if I'm the only one that reads this. If I can figure out how to post video I can make some tutorials on crochet. I really don't know how to blog!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Micah Matherin

Our grandson Micah Matherin Doherty, was born on Dec 17, 2011. He is a big boy. He is in the 50th percentile for weight and the 90th for height. At his second to last baby check up the doctor told Nicole they must have made a mistake when they measured him the last time because it was impossible for a baby to grow that fast! Well, the next time he was checked the doctor said it must have been right because of his current measurements. So he made some kind of record for growth. He may be bigger than his dad. I really think at 6'6" his dad is big enough, but Micah will be whatever Micah is going to be. They are at a meeting for children with limb differences this weekend. I watched Vinny for them...never again, I hope.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Looks like we'll be having another grandchild. It's early days, but if everything goes alright we should have another baby around Christmas time. Nick's girlfriend is around a month along. Just found out a couple of days ago and haven't been able to tell anyone as I don't think it's a good idea until she's further along. Haven't seen her yet. They're flying back to New York on a trip they had planned before they found out. She flies a lot and I hope it's okay. I can't worry too much because she has to fly for her job. I'm so excited. Can hardly wait to see if it's a girl or boy. I want to make stuff!

About Me

I have been married for 38 years. I have 3 grown sons, and 4 grandkids. Two granddaughters and 2 grandsons. The oldest is almost 6 and the youngest is 1 year old. I watch my 2 grandsons 3 days a week. On the days I'm not watching them I try to get my house back in order from the days I am watching them, so this leaves me little time to do the things I like to do like reading and crocheting etc. But for now they are more important.