Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Good intentions

I have less time than ever to post here, but still hope to put my ideas on the so called African Flower crochet block down, as I believe the designer of this block has been forgotten and the block renamed and taken over by someone who knows the original name of the block and the designer, but refused to give any credit to this designer until I and another woman pushed her to do so, and then she has not given proper credit. Why someone would continue to act in this manner is beyond me.

I still do not totally understand blogging, I'm just muddling through as best I can, so forgive me anyone who might read this if things aren't properly done.

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About Me

I have been married for 38 years. I have 3 grown sons, and 4 grandkids. Two granddaughters and 2 grandsons. The oldest is almost 6 and the youngest is 1 year old. I watch my 2 grandsons 3 days a week. On the days I'm not watching them I try to get my house back in order from the days I am watching them, so this leaves me little time to do the things I like to do like reading and crocheting etc. But for now they are more important.