Saturday, May 29, 2010


I learned to crochet when I was 6, so I've been crocheting almost 54 years. I will be posting some more complicated patterns I've made in the future, but I had the pictures of the amigurumis on my computer already. My grandmother and mother and one aunt crocheted. I remember them sitting in my grandmother's living room working on a rose bedspread together. I still have it. It's made from approx. size 10 thread, with red (now more pink) roses. This bedspread is made up of many blocks. Of course they all have to be the same size. With 3 people working on them that was a problem. My mother and grandmother's blocks were turning out the same size, but my Aunt's were a little bit smaller because she was crocheting tighter. There was some talk about her being in the wrong since the other two were matching their blocks. My Aunt became just a little angry and then they were all upset for a while, with my grandmother coming up with "You're just crocheting tight because you are tight, you're so tight you don't want to use too much thread!" Of course that did not help matters. They continued working on it together for a while and then it was put away until my mother finished it sometime later.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My name is Nita. I live in Pendleton Oregon. I was born here, but not raised here. We have the Pendleton Woolen Mills and the Pendleton Round Up. The Round Up will be 100 years old this summer and the town has been gearing up for it for at least a couple of years. It's often hard getting around town because of the torn up streets. Already things are looking good, but we will all be so happy when it's done.

The good ole boys that run our town are set on turning us into a tourist town. They don't care what they do to our town as long as they make money. It's all about making money for them. They don't care about the rest of us. We used to have a nice little town and now we are having more and more traffic and housing problems. I used to love my little town and now my husband and I are thinking about moving. We were both born here and our folks were born here so it's a hard decision. But you can't fight the good ole boys, they have always had their way and they will continue to have it. So we are saying good bye to our beautiful little town. It was good while it lasted!

My first post

I'm so bad at this blogging, but I suppose it will get better. I've tried to do things to make it look better, with no luck, so I'm just going to keep it simple for now and try to get a little something written.

Right now I'm very busy crocheting amigurumi and some potholders and dishcloths for friends. I've started putting pictures on a crochet site I belong to and hope to get some here as well. I have my Facebook so that will be my major site. I won't be linking to this blog until it is a blog.

I'm trying to take some good pictures, with good lighting and some nice backgrounds. I've been having some luck taking them outside, but lately we're had lots of heavy rain so no pics. I've thought about making a light-box. I think most people that have taken good pics for their sites either take them outside or use a light box. Then there are the ones that know how to use their cameras! But I will get it!

About Me

I have been married for 38 years. I have 3 grown sons, and 4 grandkids. Two granddaughters and 2 grandsons. The oldest is almost 6 and the youngest is 1 year old. I watch my 2 grandsons 3 days a week. On the days I'm not watching them I try to get my house back in order from the days I am watching them, so this leaves me little time to do the things I like to do like reading and crocheting etc. But for now they are more important.